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Product Center / Products
  • Release time: 2022 - 07 - 05
    Drying System | Air Flow DryerThe drying line is composed of wet material feeding system,  hot air generating system,  drying system,  gas separation system,  screening cooling system and so on. After the wet material is dispersed, it merges with the clean hot air generated by the hot air furnace, and a strong mass and heat transfer process takes place in the pulsed air dryer, and the material is quickly dried. After the dry materials are sieved, airlifted and rapidly cooled, they are stored in the finished product bin for storage and packaging. The exhaust gas is dedusted ...
  • Release time: 2022 - 07 - 05
    Rotary Kiln Manufacturers | Rotary Kiln DryerWe provide process design, equipment manufacturing, installation and operation training for rotary kiln drying line of quartz sand, feldspar powder, fluorite powder and chemical fertilizer according to the needs of users. The drying line equipment is stable and reliable in operation, simple in operation and convenient in maintenance.
  • Release time: 2022 - 07 - 05
    Kaolin Dryer | Kaolin Drying Line We can provide users with process design, equipment manufacturing, installation, commissioning and operation training for the complete set of kaolin drying production line. The key equipment for drying uses a special pulverizing dryer for kaolin, which is crushed, dried and classified together, with high yield and high thermal efficiency.
  • Release time: 2023 - 05 - 06
    The stones in the farmland have a great influence on the farmland's farming income, and also have great damage to mechanized sowing and receiving equipment.   In order to solve the problem about difficult to clean the stones in the land, and control the cost of cleaning, our company has developed a new type stone cleaner.  The stone cleaner is motivated by tractor, there is a three-point suspension which has been connected to the stone cleaner. The stone cleaner will be dragged to move forward as the tractor move forward, meanwhile the digging knife will go deep into the soi...
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联系电话:0571-85185926  86036218



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联系地址:杭州市天城路神州白云大厦2栋 805

In June 18, 2016, the company received an authorization notice from the State Intellectual Property Office (State Intellectual Property Office) for the invention patent of the direct biomass fuel hot air furnace, including the high temperature purification device.
发布时间: 2016 - 08 - 30
Spray-drying converts a dry powder out of a liquid through rapid drying with a hot source. It transforms pump able feed from a fluid state into a dried particulate form by spraying it into a hot drying medium.It consists of an atomizer, air heater, drying chamber, air dispenser, feed pump, and powder recovery and exhaust air cleaning systems. The three stages that occur in a spray dryer are:1. Atomization2. Moisture evaporation and Spray-air mixing3. Dry product separationThe final product obtained after drying depends on:· The design & operation of the spray dryer...
发布时间: 2022 - 09 - 21
In April 24, 2017, a group of seven customers from Pakistan went to our company for business inspection. After friendly exchanges, they signed a major supply contract.
发布时间: 2017 - 04 - 26

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address:Floor 14th, ZMI Plaza, No.445, Kaixuan Road, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China      Telephone:0571-85185926

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